It's time to confront what

been avoiding...



Casey Drove Up the Cost of Living


Casey’s Lie:

Prices are up because these corporations are scheming to drive them up.”

The Truth:

Bob Casey rubber-stamped trillions in wasteful government spending, which drove the price of gas, groceries, rent, and more sky-high.

Since January 2021 when Biden, Harris, and Casey took power:

  • Overall prices are up 20%
  • Gas is up 51%
  • Groceries are up 21.5%
  • Eggs are up 117%
  • Milk is up 16%
  • Bread is up 26%
  • Beef is up 31%
  • Chicken is up 24%

Kamala Harris and Bob Casey tell voters greedflation is responsible for the driver of high prices. This argument has already been rated “mostly false” by liberal Politifact and refuted by the Federal Reserve.

Per the New York Times:

Bob Casey is responsible for high prices because he helped pass trillions of dollars in federal spending.


Casey and Harris ignored the warnings, insisting that the federal government’s excessive spending wouldn’t hurt working Pennsylvanians. Roll the tape!

  • Bob Casey Defends Biden's $1.9 Trillion Spending Bill: "Bold Proposal — I'm Glad He Did!"
  • Bob Casey Supports Biden's Inflationary spending: "We did the right thing in the rescue plan to go big...Go big or go home!"

The real greed is in Washington. Watch to see how inflation has impacted Pennsylvanians:

“Many economists, including libertarians and even some former top aides to Democratic presidents, reject that argument, noting that there is little historical link between profit levels and the inflation rate. Economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco wrote last month that evidence suggests corporate price markups have not been a “main driver” of the inflation increase under Mr. Biden…”

“Hassett was part of a trio of former White House economists, including Clinton Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and Obama CEA chair Jason Furman, who warned early in Biden’s term that inflation was afoot... They parsed different data but arrived at the same conclusions: Trillions in stimulus spending being plowed back into the economy when companies couldn’t produce enough of what consumers wanted would drive prices higher.”

Casey’s Tax Plan: Raise Taxes on Working Pennsylvanians, Cut Taxes for Millionaires in New York & California


Casey’s Lie:

 “I’m going to fight for a middle-class tax cut.”  

The Truth:

Bob Casey supports raising taxes on EVERY Pennsylvania family while wanting tax cuts for coastal elites. 

Casey voted against the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and opposes renewing them before they expire in 2025. This law lowered taxes for families in every income bracket and saved the average Pennsylvania taxpayer $1,426.89.

  • The Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that a repeal of the $10,000 SALT deduction limit would reduce taxes on all Americans by $77.4 billion, of which $40.4 billion would be saved by households with incomes of $1 million or more.

So what tax changes does Bob Casey support? Special tax cuts for millionaires in New York and California — and higher taxes on working Pennsylvanians.

Casey’s Pathetic Fearmongering About Social Security and Medicare


Casey’s Lie:

 “My opponent would be a vote to privatize Social Security, voucherize Medicare, and decimate Medicaid.”

The Truth:

McCormick has been very clear that he will oppose ANY changes in benefits for seniors and has stated repeatedly that "our government needs to keep its promises to protect Social Security and Medicare.”

In reality, it’s thanks to Casey’s inflationary policies that seniors' fixed incomes are being squeezed the hardest. And it was Kamala Harris and Bob Casey whose radical spending has jeopardized Social Security. 

  • In 2021, Casey voted for the American Rescue Plan, triggering $36 billion in Medicare spending cuts and putting Social Security at risk.
  • In 2009, Casey voted to allow Obamacare to raid Medicare, cutting the program by $716 billion.
Bob Casey Supports Open Borders


Casey’s Lie:

“I’m fighting to secure our border.”

The Truth:

Bob Casey has been a rubber stamp for weak, liberal immigration policies and opposes open borders every step of the way. 

Despite using images of a border wall in his ads, Casey opposed border security measures like a wall his entire career:

  • Bob Casey in 2019: "A wall should not be confused with border security"
  • Bob Casey in 2019: “concrete or steel wall is not border security.”
  • Bob Casey in 2019: “President Trump doesn’t seem to get it. He’s not getting a concrete or steel wall along the width of the border- never, ever, ever, ever.”
  • Bob Casey in 2019: “Building a wall is a waste of money”

But it’s not just the border wall. 

  • Casey voted against $800 million in funds for opioid and narcotic detection in the Senate.
  • Casey voted against Kate’s Law, which would have set mandatory minimums for deported felons who illegally re-enter the United States.
  • Casey voted against a measure to stop illegal immigrants from being counted in the Census. 
  • Casey voted against withholding federal funding from sanctuary cities three times
  • Casey opposed former President Trump's executive order to crack down on sanctuary cities.
  • Casey voted for giving illegal immigrants federal benefits. 
  • Casey stands behind failed DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and said Mayorkas should not be held accountable for the border crisis. 

Watch to see what weak and liberal immigration policies have done for our border:

Bob Casey’s Anti-Energy Agenda is Hurting Pennsylvanians 


Casey’s Lie:

“I understand the economic benefits and energy independence that Pennsylvania’s energy industry provides.”

The Truth:

 If he did, then he wouldn’t have opposed unleashing Pennsylvania’s natural resources and rubber-stamped radical Green New Deal policies. 

Casey thinks that it is “ridiculous” to drill our way to energy independence and wants to “transition” Pennsylvania’s energy workers into different jobs. 

Actions speak louder than words, and Casey spearheaded an anti-fracking bill SIX TIMES.

  • According to an API study, Casey’s FRAC Act would “gravely harm” the U.S. economy and cause a loss of up to $374 billion in GDP, eliminate three million jobs, and add $139 billion to the deficit.

Casey’s record is filled with anti-energy votes:

All the while, Casey has embraced Biden’s radical green energy mandates, which are making America more dependent on the Chinese Communist Party.

Watch more from Casey in his own words.

Bob Casey Abandoned Law Enforcement & Made PA More Dangerous 


Casey’s Lies:

“I'm proud to stand with Pennsylvania's law enforcement officers,” and “Keeping Pennsylvanians safe is a top priority for me.”

The Truth:

Bob Casey voted for the Biden-Harris soft-on-crime agenda, which has torn apart cities across our country and made the jobs of our men and women in blue more difficult.

Bob Casey turned his back on our men and women in law enforcement when he said he was “grateful” for an endorsement from a defund the police group. 

Delaware County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 27 Chris Eiserman:

Casey believes there is “systemic racism throughout our criminal justice system” and kneeled with BLM protestors.

He even backed a bill that would end qualified immunity and would defund local police from federal grants if they didn’t implement Biden’s preferred policing policies and cost departments millions of dollars. 

No wonder the Pennsylvania Fraternal Order of Police, the Pennsylvania State Troopers Association, and 48 county sheriffs from across the commonwealth have ALL endorsed McCormick

Watch the results of Casey & Harris’ soft-on-crime agenda here:

“At a time when there were four shootings in four days on our local public transit system, and law enforcement across the Commonwealth is understaffed, Casey's decision to align himself with these defund the police activists is alarming and extremely dangerous.”

Casey Lies About McCormick While He Made it Easier for Deadly Fentanyl to Get Into Pennsylvania


Casey’s Lie (part 1):

“I’m committed to fighting the fentanyl crisis that is plaguing our Commonwealth and our Nation.”

The Truth:

Bob Casey has failed to protect the commonwealth and country from deadly fentanyl. 

Casey voted against $800 million in funds to detect opioids and narcotics.

Four thousand Pennsylvanians died from fentanyl last year alone. Casey owns this deadly crisis that’s murdering Pennsylvanians, and he knows it

Watch what Bob Casey's lack of action has led to:

Casey’s Lie (part 2):

“As CEO of Bridgewater, David McCormick invested in China’s leading producer of fentanyl. He profited off of people’s pain.”

The Truth:

Bob Casey’s lying about McCormick’s record to hide his own culpability.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial Board explained, saying Casey had “stooped to fen­ta­nyl fear-mon­ger­ing.”

The claim is based on an in­vest­ment made by the firm Mr. McCormick used to run, Bridge­wa­ter As­so­ci­ates, in a fund that in­cluded Renfu Yiyao, a Chi­nese phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pany that also goes by the English name Human­well. 

The com­pany man­u­fac­tures 90% of the fen­ta­nyl used in the Chi­nese do­mes­tic mar­ket. But fen­ta­nyl is a le­git­i­mate med­i­cine, in ad­di­tion to be­ing a dan­ger­ous rec­re­ational drug. The World Health Or­ga­ni­za­tion con­sid­ers it “es­sen­tial.” That’s why it’s a con­trolled sub­stance and not an il­le­gal sub­stance. 

The fen­ta­nyl pro­duced by Human­well is for le­git­i­mate med­i­cal uses, and while it is li­censed to ex­port the drug, it does not ac­tu­ally sell it in Amer­ica. In fact, the “Chi­nese fen­ta­nyl” that has swept across Amer­ica isn’t ac­tu­ally man­u­fac­tured in China at all. 

Chem­i­cal pre­cur­sors are made in China and shipped else­where, in­clud­ing Mex­ico and Can­ada, where the fi­nal, il­licit prod­uct is man­u­fac­tured. Human­well is not in­volved in this sup­ply chain in any way. 

To make the ad’s claim even more spu­ri­ous, mil­lions of Amer­i­cans are also in­vested in Human­well through var­i­ous in­vest­ment and pen­sion funds. In fact, that in­cludes Mr. Ca­sey him­self, whose de­clared hold­ings in­clude funds that in­vest in the Chi­nese firm.

Casey has allowed the fentanyl crisis to spiral out of control. Watch more below: 

Mr. McCormick told reporters that one of the most important ways to combat the issue is to secure the border. Precursor drugs and chemicals used to make fentanyl are coming from China into Mexico and then through legal and illegal entry points at the southern border, he said. The industry makes billions of dollars annually for Mexican cartels, he added. Securing the border and attacking the cartels are two ways to address the issue, he said. “We should think about using drones and special operations forces to essentially destroy the fentanyl facilities and the distribution network that’s right on the border,” he said. 

Meanwhile, McCormick has laid out an aggressive plan to label the Mexican drug cartels as the terrorists they are and take them out once and for all. 

Pittsburgh Post Gazette

Bob Casey Votes with Kamala Harris 98% of the Time


Casey’s Claim (in 2006!):

“What the people of Pennsylvania expect and deserve is someone who is going to be independent — truly independent.” 

The Truth:

Casey has voted with the Biden-Harris agenda 98 percent of the time.

Casey can’t name a single issue where he disagrees with Kamala Harris. 

He supports every one of the Biden-Harris administration’s liberal policies, lies for them, and even daydreams about them. 

As Bob Casey said 18 years ago, “being a rubber stamp for the president of the United States is not in the best interest of the people.” 

Watch more from Casey in his own words:

Casey Was the Deciding Vote to Send Billions to Iran, Underwriting Terrorism; Has Been Too Weak to Stand Up Against Antisemitism


Casey’s Lie (part 1):

“I’m a “steadfast” supporter of Israel.”

The Truth:

Bob Casey is no friend of Israel.

Casey was the deciding vote on the Iran Deal — unlocking billions of dollars for Iran to foment terrorism around the world. He claimed the deal “enhances” Israel’s national security. It did the opposite. 

While the junior Senator from Pennsylvania has truly been steadfast in his support of Israel, Casey has taken a back seat. He was silent on the Biden-Harris administration’s decision to withhold military aid from Israel or the recent call for a ceasefire. 

Watch the results of Casey's appeasement of Iran:

Casey’s Lie (part 2):

“I stand ready… to work with colleagues in the new Congress to ensure we’re taking steps necessary to combat this growing threat of hate and extremism.” 

The Truth:

Bob Casey has repeatedly refused to stand up to antisemitism, including after October 7, for fear of losing support from the radical Left.

In addition to being the deciding vote for the Iran Nuclear Deal, Casey: 

  • Was silent on the Biden administration’s withholding of military aid from Israel.
  • Never visited any of the antisemitic encampments on college campuses, and only called for the one at the University of Pennsylvania to be disbanded after the fact. 
  • Refuses to revoke his endorsement of Congresswoman Summer Lee (PA-12) — a known antisemite.
  • Refuses to state his position on a radical federal judicial appointment with ties to an antisemitic center. 

The one bill Casey clings to as representative of his support for the Jewish community STILL languishes in the Senate because Casey is too weak to force Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s hand. 

It was McCormick who:

  • Went to Israel in January to see firsthand the atrocities committed by Hamas, met with Israeli government officials, and spoke with survivors and the families of hostages. 
  • Repeatedly called out acts of antisemitism in the commonwealth.
  • Denounced Rep. Summer Lee's antisemitism and has pushed for Casey to revoke his endorsement of her.
  • Stood against a radical federal judicial nominee for his ties to an antisemitic center. 
  • Stood with members of the Pittsburgh Jewish community to call for the safe return of hostages. 
  • Was one of the first to call for the removal of University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill for her failure to understand calling for genocide against Jews is wrong.  
  • Visited the antisemitic encampment at UPenn and condemned efforts to intimidate Jewish students.
  • Condemned the Philadelphia Inquirer for an antisemitic cartoon, which was then retracted.

Jewish Insider: Dave McCormick making inroads with Jewish voters in Pennsylvania

While Casey's Done Nothing to Prevent China’s Rise, McCormick Has a Plan to Confront the Chinese Communist Party


Casey’s Lie:

“You have my word that I will continue standing up to China.”

The Truth:

His word doesn’t mean much: Casey has never stood up to China and is failing to protect the nation from the Chinese Communist Party. 

  • When Casey was PA State Treasurer, he invested over $31 million of the Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System in a Chinese company deemed a national security threat. 
  • Casey took thousands of dollars from D.C. lobbyists representing Chinese companies. 
  • Casey also likes to brag about standing up to China for PA workers. So why did he vote against "Buy America" requirements for government-subsidized electric vehicle chargers?
  • Casey voted for Biden and Harris’ Inflation Reduction Act, contributing to a 500% increase in our dependence on China for electric vehicle components and solar panels. 
  • He’s even personally invested in another CCP-run energy firm, CNOOC, which was blacklisted by the Pennsylvania Treasury Department for selling oil to Iran.

Bob Casey’s always been weak on China. Watch below to see how far back Bob Casey goes with China:

McCormick has a thoughtful, comprehensive plan to confront China’s rise. It starts with 6 bans:

  • Stop the flow of Chinese fentanyl ingredients and drug money into the Western Hemisphere.
  • Revoke China’s permanent normal trade relations status and advocate for China’s removal from the WTO.
  • Stop making America even more dependent on lithium batteries and solar panels imported from China.
  • End any U.S. investment or trade that supports the CCP’s national security state. 
  • Remove China from the World Health Organization.
  • Ban strategic purchases of American land by the CCP. 

Enacting these bans will help to thwart China’s aggressive ambitions and protect the homeland from further abuse. 

Casey Has Repeatedly Lied About McCormick’s Position on Abortion 


Casey’s Lie:

“David McCormick supports a total abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest.”

The Truth:

McCormick is opposed to a national abortion ban, and supports exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, and saving the life of the mother. 

In Pennsylvania, the current law, supported by both Republicans and Democrats, means abortion is legal through 24 weeks. 

While Casey would have you believe abortion is on the ballot this fall, the issue is settled law in Pennsylvania. Under Bob Casey Sr., Republicans and Democrats in the commonwealth decided abortion is legal through 24 weeks, and that will not change. 

PolitiFact: Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dave McCormick has not called to outlaw abortion

Delco Times: “On abortion, McCormick said his views are more along the line of Casey’s father, Bob Casey Sr., who supported limits to late-term abortion, but not outlawing it.”

ABC 27 This Week in PA:

When asked about his stance on abortion, McCormick says he is pro-life but believes in exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, or if the life of the mother is at risk. “This is an issue we really do need to find empathy and compassion and find common ground, and there’s a lot of common ground to be found if you look across what Pennsylvanians think,” said McCormick. He says some of those places for common ground could include accessibility for contraception, support for adoption services, or late-term abortion restrictions.

“‘We have Republicans and Democrats that supported our current legislation (allowing abortion up to 24 weeks),’ McCormick said. ‘The governor who signed it was Gov. Casey. I’m in line with Casey’s dad, not Casey the son. (Sen. Casey) was a pro-life Democrat (but) he completely went to the other side. And he’s got the position now there should be abortions up until the day of birth.’ ‘I don’t support abortion bans. I do support the three exceptions. And there’s lots of common ground, like on contraception, adoption support, and restrictions on late-term abortions.’”

National Review: Bob Casey’s Abortion Evolution

See the difference between Bob Casey and Dave McCormick:

No Senator has had a more dramatic flip on abortion than Bob Casey. He was pro-life, now he supports abortion up until the moment of birth, and who knows what he’ll be when the winds shift again.

Casey Will do Anything but Own Up to His Do-Nothing Record


Casey’s Lie:

“He hasn't told the truth about where he lives.”

The Truth:

Dave McCormick is a proud seventh-generation Pennsylvanian. He was born in Washington County and raised in Bloomsburg by two public school teachers. 

Dave grew up trimming Christmas trees and baling hay. He wrestled at Bloomsburg High School, was nominated to West Point by a Pennsylvania Senator, and then served our nation in uniform in the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division in the first Gulf War. 

After serving, Dave came back to Pittsburgh where he led FreeMarkets, a successful tech startup that employed hundreds of Western Pennsylvanians. It was during this time that three of his daughters were born in Pittsburgh.

Dave lives in Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh and is a proud dad of six daughters, with his wife Dina. Dave was divorced, and his youngest daughter lives with her mom in Connecticut while she finishes up high school. Dave does not own or rent property there. 

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: For Dave McCormick, it all began in humble Bloomsburg

Watch to learn more about Dave's Pennsylvania upbringing: